Dementia Research
The NIHR CRN West Midlands Primary Care Team are currently supporting Alzheimer’s Month, and are reaching out to ask for the support of GP surgeries in raising awareness of the Join Dementia Research service.
Join Dementia Research is a nationwide service that helps anyone in the UK find and take part in vital dementia research studies. It forms part of the Government’s Dementia Strategy. A key objective is to increase the number of people with dementia and their carers participating in research, but anyone aged 18+ with or without a memory problem can register via
Talking to patients about research promotes high-quality care and helps to meet NICE and NHS England recommendations. Furthermore, for people with dementia, taking part in research often helps them to gain a better understanding of their condition and creates a feeling of empowerment. Many find it a very positive experience and feel they are making a worthwhile contribution to future dementia care and treatment.
Informative videos (West Midlands volunteer)